Random model exploration
The initial inspiration came after reading the following article Property based integration testing using Haskell! which describes a way to tackle the problem of property based testing for HTTP APIs.
It is still a great introduction to the problem we are trying to solve, although the implementations are significantly different.
Performing property based testing of a pure function is quite easy, for all
possible values, check that a given invariant is valid.
In the case of an HTTP API, it is more difficult to perform such operations, you are more often than not testing that a set of invariants are valid throughout a workflow.
The key idea is to describe the possible interactions with the API as Markov chains which can be automatically explored.
The entry point for random model exploration is the following function in the DSL:
def check_model[A, B, C, D, E, F](maxNumberOfRuns: Int, maxNumberOfTransitions: Int)(modelRunner: ModelRunner[A, B, C, D, E, F])
Let’s unpack this signature:
refers to maximum number of attempt to traverse the Markov chain and find a case that breaks an invariantmaxNumberOfTransition
is useful when themodel
contains cycles in order to ensure terminationmodelRunner
is the actual definition of themodel
refers to the types of thegenerators
used inmodel
definition (maximum of 6 for the moment)
Such a Markov chain wires together a set of properties
that relate to each other through transitions
which are chosen according to a given probability
(between 0 and 100).
A property
is composed of:
- a description
- an optional
which is astep
checking that theproperty
can be run (sometimes useful to target error cases) - an
which is a function from a number ofgenerators
to astep
performing whatever side effect and assertions necessary
The number of generators is defined in the property
an action which accepts a function from() => Step
an action which accepts a function from() ⇒ A => Step
Property2[A, B]
an action which accepts a function from(() ⇒ A, () => B) => Step
Property3[A, B, C]
an action which accepts a function from(() ⇒ A, () => B, () => C) => Step
- up to
Property6[A, B, C, D, E, F]
It is of course not required to call a generator when building a Step
However, it is required to have the same Property
type for all properties within a model
Having generators
as input enables the action
to introduce some randomness in its effect.
A run
terminates successfully if the max number of transition reached, this means we were not able to break any invariants.
A run
fails if one of the following conditions is met:
- an error is thrown from a
- no
with a validpre-condition
can be found, this is generally a sign of a malformedmodel
- a
throws an error
A model
exploration terminates successfully if the max number of runs is reached or with an error if a run fails.
Let’s create our first model
It will be a basic chain which will not enforce any invariants; it will have:
- an entry point
- a ping
printing a random String - a pong
printing a random Int - an exit point
We will define the transitions such that:
- there is a 50% chance to start with ping or pong following the entry point
- there is 90% to go from a ping/pong to a pong/ping
- there is no loop from any
- there is a 10% chance to exit the game after a ping or a pong
Also, the DSL is asking for a modelRunner
which is a little helper connecting a model
to its generators
The type inference is sometimes not properly detecting the action type, so it is recommended to define the modelRunner
and the model
as a single expression to help the typechecker.
def stringGen(rc: RandomContext): ValueGenerator[String] = ValueGenerator(
name = "an alphanumeric String",
gen = () ⇒ rc.alphanumeric.take(20).mkString(""))
def integerGen(rc: RandomContext): ValueGenerator[Int] = ValueGenerator(
name = "integer",
gen = () ⇒ rc.nextInt(10000))
val myModelRunner = ModelRunner.make[String, Int](stringGen, integerGen) {
val entryPoint = Property2[String, Int](
description = "Entry point",
invariant = (_, _) ⇒ print_step("Start game")
val pingString = Property2[String, Int](
description = "Ping String",
invariant = (stringGen, _) ⇒ print_step(s"Ping ${stringGen()}")
val pongInt = Property2[String, Int](
description = "Pong Int",
invariant = (_, intGen) ⇒ print_step(s"Pong ${intGen()}")
val exitPoint = Property2[String, Int](
description = "Exit point",
invariant = (_, _) ⇒ print_step("End of game")
description = "ping pong model",
entryPoint = entryPoint,
transitions = Map(
entryPoint -> ((50, pingString) :: (50, pongInt) :: Nil),
pingString -> ((90, pongInt) :: (10, exitPoint) :: Nil),
pongInt -> ((90, pingString) :: (10, exitPoint) :: Nil)
Which gives us the following scenario
Scenario("ping pong check") {
Given I check_model(maxNumberOfRuns = 2, maxNumberOfTransitions = 10)(myModelRunner)
Running this scenario outputs:
Starting scenario 'ping pong check'
- ping pong check (10 millis)
Scenario : ping pong check
main steps
Checking model 'ping pong model' with maxNumberOfRuns=2 and maxNumberOfTransitions=10 and seed=1542986106586
Run #1
Entry point
Start game
Ping String
Ping 7HjRBzlyjULWQlV1SQeN
Pong Int
Pong 3549
Ping String
Ping SbL4blEMtwweAqm9bfP0
Pong Int
Pong 1464
Ping String
Ping BoZwLouAaXVayxXajSXV
Pong Int
Pong 161
Ping String
Ping BOCm8OyLL2zgpPCoYnTJ
Pong Int
Pong 687
Ping String
Ping d9ZRN1HuBhVwFKXBzlUh
Pong Int
Pong 1892
Run #1 - Max transitions number per run reached
Run #2
Entry point
Start game
Ping String
Ping oHARiIS8570hOHbkpu6b
Pong Int
Pong 743
Ping String
Ping Ijq1xltbS2fGIVJ0h3ty
Pong Int
Pong 7575
Ping String
Pong Int
Pong 4674
Ping String
Ping YNvchmkwK7owS95YeyXr
Pong Int
Pong 3758
Ping String
Ping DavIeJhxwOpgmqXZrzOU
Exit point
End of game
Run #2 - End reached on property 'Exit point' after 10 transitions
Check block succeeded (10 millis)
The logs give us:
- a detailed description of the runs execution
- the seed used to create the
It is possible to replay exactly the same run by passing the seed as a parameter of the feature or by a CLI argument.
Now that we have a better understanding of the concepts and their semantics, it is time to dive into some concrete examples!
Having cornichon
freely explore the transitions
of a model
can create some interesting configurations.
In this example we are going to test an HTTP API implementing a basic turnstile.
This is a rotating gate that let people pass one at the time after payment. In our simplified model it is not possible to pay for several people to pass in advance.
The server exposes two endpoints:
- a
request on/push-coin
to unlock the gate - a
request on/walk-through
to turn the gate
import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.CornichonFeature
import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.check.checkModel._
class TurnstileCheck extends CornichonFeature {
def feature = Feature("Basic examples of checks") {
Scenario("Turnstile acts according to model") {
Given I check_model(maxNumberOfRuns = 1, maxNumberOfTransitions = 10)(turnstileModel)
//Model definition usually in another trait
private val pushCoin = Property0(
description = "push a coin",
invariant = () => Attach {
Given I post("/push-coin")
Then assert status.is(200)
And assert body.is("payment accepted")
private val pushCoinBlocked = Property0(
description = "push a coin is a blocked",
invariant = () => Attach {
Given I post("/push-coin")
Then assert status.is(400)
And assert body.is("payment refused")
private val walkThroughOk = Property0(
description = "walk through ok",
invariant = () => Attach {
Given I post("/walk-through")
Then assert status.is(200)
And assert body.is("door turns")
private val walkThroughBlocked = Property0(
description = "walk through blocked",
invariant = () => Attach {
Given I post("/walk-through")
Then assert status.is(400)
And assert body.is("door blocked")
val turnstileModel = ModelRunner.makeNoGen(
description = "Turnstile acts according to model",
entryPoint = pushCoin,
transitions = Map(
pushCoin -> ((90, walkThroughOk) :: (10, pushCoinBlocked) :: Nil),
pushCoinBlocked -> ((90, walkThroughOk) :: (10, pushCoinBlocked) :: Nil),
walkThroughOk -> ((70, pushCoin) :: (30, walkThroughBlocked) :: Nil),
walkThroughBlocked -> ((90, pushCoin) :: (10, walkThroughBlocked) :: Nil)
Again let’s have a look at the logs to see how things go.
Starting scenario 'Turnstile acts according to model'
- Turnstile acts according to model (55 millis)
Scenario : Turnstile acts according to model
main steps
Checking model 'Turnstile acts according to model' with maxNumberOfRuns=1 and maxNumberOfTransitions=10 and seed=1542021399582
Run #1
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (9 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
push a coin is a blocked
Given I POST /push-coin (5 millis)
Then assert status is '400' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment refused (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
walk through blocked
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '400' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door blocked (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
Run #1 - Max transitions number per run reached
Check block succeeded (54 millis)
It is interesting to note that we are executing a single run on purpose, as the server is stateful, any subsequent runs would share the global state of the turnstile.
This is an issue because we are starting our model with pushCoinAction
which is always expected to succeed.
Let’s try to test the same model with more runs to see if it breaks!
Starting scenario 'Turnstile acts according to model'
- **failed** Turnstile acts according to model (74 millis)
Scenario 'Turnstile acts according to model' failed:
at step:
Then assert status is '200'
with error(s):
expected status code '200' but '400' was received with body:
"payment refused"
and with headers:
'Date' -> 'Mon, 12 Nov 2018 11:18:03 GMT'
replay only this scenario with the command:
testOnly *TurnstileCheck -- "Turnstile acts according to model"
Scenario : Turnstile acts according to model
main steps
Checking model 'Turnstile acts according to model' with maxNumberOfRuns=2 and maxNumberOfTransitions=10 and seed=1542021482941
Run #1
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (11 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (4 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (4 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
walk through ok
Given I POST /walk-through (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is door turns (0 millis)
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is payment accepted (0 millis)
Run #1 - Max transitions number per run reached
Run #2
push a coin
Given I POST /push-coin (3 millis)
Then assert status is '200' *** FAILED ***
expected status code '200' but '400' was received with body:
"payment refused"
and with headers:
'Date' -> 'Mon, 12 Nov 2018 11:18:03 GMT'
Run #2 - Failed
Check model block failed (74 millis)
Using 2 runs, we already found the problem because the first run finished by introducing a coin.
It is possible to replay exactly this run in a deterministic fashion by using the seed
printed in the logs and feed it to the DSL.
Given I check_model(maxNumberOfRuns = 2, maxNumberOfTransitions = 10)(turnstileModel)
This example shows that designing property based scenarios is sometimes challenging in the case of shared mutable states.
The source for the test and the server are available here.
Web shop Admin (advanced example)
In this example we are going to test an HTTP API implementing a basic web shop.
This web shop offers the possibility to CRUD
products and to search them via an index that is eventually consistent.
A product is defined by the following case class.
case class Product(id: UUID, name: String, description: String, price: BigInt)
case class ProductDraft(name: String, description: String, price: BigInt)
The server exposes the following endpoint:
- a
request on/products
to create a product via productDraft - a
request on/products/<id>
to update a product - a
request on/products/<id>
to delete a product - a
request on/products
to get all products - a
request on/products/<id>
to get a single product - a
request onproducts-search
to get all the products in the search index
The contract is that the consistency delay should always be under 10 seconds for all operations being mirrored in the search index.
Let’s see if we can test it!
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.check.examples.webShop
class WebShopCheck extends CornichonFeature {
def feature = Feature("Advanced example of model checks") {
Scenario("WebShop acts according to model") {
Given I check_model(maxNumberOfRuns = 1, maxNumberOfTransitions = 5)(webShopModel)
val maxIndexSyncTimeout = 10.seconds
def productDraftGen(rc: RandomContext): Generator[ProductDraft] = OptionalValueGenerator(
name = "a product draft",
gen = () ⇒ {
val nextSeed = rc.nextLong()
val params = Gen.Parameters.default.withInitialSeed(nextSeed)
val gen =
for {
name ← Gen.alphaStr
description ← Gen.alphaStr
price ← Gen.choose(1, Int.MaxValue)
} yield ProductDraft(name, description, price)
gen(params, Seed(nextSeed))
private val noProductsInDb = Property1[ProductDraft](
description = "no products in DB",
invariant = _ ⇒ Attach {
Given I get("/products")
Then assert status.is(200)
Then assert body.asArray.isEmpty
private val createProduct = Property1[ProductDraft](
description = "create a product",
invariant = pd ⇒ {
val productDraft = pd()
val productDraftJson = productDraft.asJson
Attach {
Given I post("/products").withBody(productDraftJson)
Then assert status.is(201)
And assert body.ignoring("id").is(productDraftJson)
Eventually(maxDuration = maxIndexSyncTimeout, interval = 10.millis) {
When I get("/products-search")
Then assert status.is(200)
And assert body.asArray.ignoringEach("id").contains(productDraftJson)
private val deleteProduct = Property1[ProductDraft](
description = "delete a product",
preCondition = Attach {
Given I get("/products")
Then assert body.asArray.isNotEmpty
invariant = _ ⇒ Attach {
Given I get("/products")
Then assert status.is(200)
Then I save_body_path("$[0].id" -> "id-to-delete")
Given I delete("/products/<id-to-delete>")
Then assert status.is(200)
And I get("/products/<id-to-delete>")
Then assert status.is(404)
Eventually(maxDuration = maxIndexSyncTimeout, interval = 10.millis) {
When I get("/products-search")
Then assert status.is(200)
And assert body.path("$[*].id").asArray.not_contains("<id-to-delete>")
private val updateProduct = Property1[ProductDraft](
description = "update a product",
preCondition = Attach {
Given I get("/products")
Then assert body.asArray.isNotEmpty
invariant = pd ⇒ {
val productDraft = pd()
val productDraftJson = productDraft.asJson
Attach {
Given I get("/products")
Then assert status.is(200)
Then I save_body_path("$[0].id" -> "id-to-update")
Given I post("/products/<id-to-update>").withBody(productDraftJson)
Then assert status.is(201)
And I get("/products/<id-to-update>")
Then assert status.is(200)
And assert body.ignoring("id").is(productDraftJson)
Eventually(maxDuration = maxIndexSyncTimeout, interval = 10.millis) {
When I get("/products-search")
Then assert status.is(200)
And assert body.asArray.ignoringEach("id").contains(productDraftJson)
val webShopModel = ModelRunner.make[ProductDraft](productDraftGen)(
description = "WebShop acts according to specification",
entryPoint = noProductsInDb,
transitions = Map(
noProductsInDb -> ((100, createProduct) :: Nil),
createProduct -> ((60, createProduct) :: (30, updateProduct) :: (10, deleteProduct) :: Nil),
deleteProduct -> ((60, createProduct) :: (30, updateProduct) :: (10, deleteProduct) :: Nil),
updateProduct -> ((60, createProduct) :: (30, updateProduct) :: (10, deleteProduct) :: Nil)
Again, let’s have a look at the logs to see how things go.
Advanced example of model checks:
Starting scenario 'WebShop acts according to model'
- WebShop acts according to model (42747 millis)
Scenario : WebShop acts according to model
main steps
Checking model 'WebShop acts according to specification' with maxNumberOfRuns=1 and maxNumberOfTransitions=5 and seed=1544540492543
Run #1
no products in DB
Given I GET /products (1328 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (10 millis)
Then assert response body array size is '0' (15 millis)
create a product
Given I POST /products with body (59 millis)
"name" : "rzdikphaxkjroaoYguPblwnwxdnnnrokkjhscTfmwfanhrsXsamphz",
"description" : "flaukuIykZksgwsxznkayAiiojwgndtiffT",
"price" : 32
Then assert status is '201' (0 millis)
And assert response body is (41 millis)
"name" : "rzdikphaxkjroaoYguPblwnwxdnnnrokkjhscTfmwfanhrsXsamphz",
"description" : "flaukuIykZksgwsxznkayAiiojwgndtiffT",
"price" : 32
} ignoring keys id
Eventually block with maxDuration = 10 seconds and interval = 10 milliseconds
When I GET /products-search (9 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains
"name" : "rzdikphaxkjroaoYguPblwnwxdnnnrokkjhscTfmwfanhrsXsamphz",
"description" : "flaukuIykZksgwsxznkayAiiojwgndtiffT",
"price" : 32
} *** FAILED ***
expected array to contain
"name" : "rzdikphaxkjroaoYguPblwnwxdnnnrokkjhscTfmwfanhrsXsamphz",
"description" : "flaukuIykZksgwsxznkayAiiojwgndtiffT",
"price" : 32
but it is not the case with array:
When I GET /products-search (5 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains (0 millis)
"name" : "rzdikphaxkjroaoYguPblwnwxdnnnrokkjhscTfmwfanhrsXsamphz",
"description" : "flaukuIykZksgwsxznkayAiiojwgndtiffT",
"price" : 32
Eventually block succeeded after '552' retries with '1' distinct errors (8972 millis)
update a product
Given I GET /products (2 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
Then I save path '$[0].id' from body to key 'id-to-update' (8 millis)
Given I POST /products/ee668765-b274-462d-ace8-73e2464286ca with body (11 millis)
"name" : "usogcaoeNkEgmaqybjpoisbtizlFkNyyrvvgCtbwoxdzxijwwdugmJZeksdBFbvcXn",
"description" : "wflinKgfiguhNjkhwepgsdUmylbrXsjvhEnUccHzqglrpaiksaEtlbgmhfocAWjvieTwva",
"price" : 46
Then assert status is '201' (0 millis)
And I GET /products/ee668765-b274-462d-ace8-73e2464286ca (6 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body is (0 millis)
"name" : "usogcaoeNkEgmaqybjpoisbtizlFkNyyrvvgCtbwoxdzxijwwdugmJZeksdBFbvcXn",
"description" : "wflinKgfiguhNjkhwepgsdUmylbrXsjvhEnUccHzqglrpaiksaEtlbgmhfocAWjvieTwva",
"price" : 46
} ignoring keys id
Eventually block with maxDuration = 10 seconds and interval = 10 milliseconds
When I GET /products-search (2 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains
"name" : "usogcaoeNkEgmaqybjpoisbtizlFkNyyrvvgCtbwoxdzxijwwdugmJZeksdBFbvcXn",
"description" : "wflinKgfiguhNjkhwepgsdUmylbrXsjvhEnUccHzqglrpaiksaEtlbgmhfocAWjvieTwva",
"price" : 46
} *** FAILED ***
expected array to contain
"name" : "usogcaoeNkEgmaqybjpoisbtizlFkNyyrvvgCtbwoxdzxijwwdugmJZeksdBFbvcXn",
"description" : "wflinKgfiguhNjkhwepgsdUmylbrXsjvhEnUccHzqglrpaiksaEtlbgmhfocAWjvieTwva",
"price" : 46
but it is not the case with array:
"id" : "ee668765-b274-462d-ace8-73e2464286ca",
"name" : "rzdikphaxkjroaoYguPblwnwxdnnnrokkjhscTfmwfanhrsXsamphz",
"description" : "flaukuIykZksgwsxznkayAiiojwgndtiffT",
"price" : 32
When I GET /products-search (2 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains (0 millis)
"name" : "usogcaoeNkEgmaqybjpoisbtizlFkNyyrvvgCtbwoxdzxijwwdugmJZeksdBFbvcXn",
"description" : "wflinKgfiguhNjkhwepgsdUmylbrXsjvhEnUccHzqglrpaiksaEtlbgmhfocAWjvieTwva",
"price" : 46
Eventually block succeeded after '616' retries with '1' distinct errors (8996 millis)
delete a product
Given I GET /products (1 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
Then I save path '$[0].id' from body to key 'id-to-delete' (0 millis)
Given I DELETE /products/ee668765-b274-462d-ace8-73e2464286ca (2 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And I GET /products/ee668765-b274-462d-ace8-73e2464286ca (1 millis)
Then assert status is '404' (0 millis)
Eventually block with maxDuration = 10 seconds and interval = 10 milliseconds
When I GET /products-search (1 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body's array '$[*].id' does not contain
ee668765-b274-462d-ace8-73e2464286ca *** FAILED ***
expected array to not contain
but it is not the case with array:
When I GET /products-search (2 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body's array '$[*].id' does not contain (0 millis)
Eventually block succeeded after '571' retries with '1' distinct errors (8001 millis)
create a product
Given I POST /products with body (2 millis)
"name" : "kskqbczgcepmzvoybdKmpniflncdWqbqejtLcj",
"description" : "krrzzpmbwLyxsfiwxhdlnoycnfk",
"price" : 77
Then assert status is '201' (0 millis)
And assert response body is (0 millis)
"name" : "kskqbczgcepmzvoybdKmpniflncdWqbqejtLcj",
"description" : "krrzzpmbwLyxsfiwxhdlnoycnfk",
"price" : 77
} ignoring keys id
Eventually block with maxDuration = 10 seconds and interval = 10 milliseconds
When I GET /products-search (1 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains
"name" : "kskqbczgcepmzvoybdKmpniflncdWqbqejtLcj",
"description" : "krrzzpmbwLyxsfiwxhdlnoycnfk",
"price" : 77
} *** FAILED ***
expected array to contain
"name" : "kskqbczgcepmzvoybdKmpniflncdWqbqejtLcj",
"description" : "krrzzpmbwLyxsfiwxhdlnoycnfk",
"price" : 77
but it is not the case with array:
When I GET /products-search (1 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains (0 millis)
"name" : "kskqbczgcepmzvoybdKmpniflncdWqbqejtLcj",
"description" : "krrzzpmbwLyxsfiwxhdlnoycnfk",
"price" : 77
Eventually block succeeded after '671' retries with '1' distinct errors (9003 millis)
create a product
Given I POST /products with body (2 millis)
"name" : "mrhwfmp",
"description" : "hBvcqpyatdyjccokfvXtbppejlSfnuGgmahAclfjCqmzCmdqydNsiYlICpZnwgqxzVkzrqnoyucZtbgoguc",
"price" : 18
Then assert status is '201' (0 millis)
And assert response body is (0 millis)
"name" : "mrhwfmp",
"description" : "hBvcqpyatdyjccokfvXtbppejlSfnuGgmahAclfjCqmzCmdqydNsiYlICpZnwgqxzVkzrqnoyucZtbgoguc",
"price" : 18
} ignoring keys id
Eventually block with maxDuration = 10 seconds and interval = 10 milliseconds
When I GET /products-search (0 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains
"name" : "mrhwfmp",
"description" : "hBvcqpyatdyjccokfvXtbppejlSfnuGgmahAclfjCqmzCmdqydNsiYlICpZnwgqxzVkzrqnoyucZtbgoguc",
"price" : 18
} *** FAILED ***
expected array to contain
"name" : "mrhwfmp",
"description" : "hBvcqpyatdyjccokfvXtbppejlSfnuGgmahAclfjCqmzCmdqydNsiYlICpZnwgqxzVkzrqnoyucZtbgoguc",
"price" : 18
but it is not the case with array:
"id" : "acd3425c-08cb-4cb0-be11-1d3e4611c1fa",
"name" : "kskqbczgcepmzvoybdKmpniflncdWqbqejtLcj",
"description" : "krrzzpmbwLyxsfiwxhdlnoycnfk",
"price" : 77
When I GET /products-search (1 millis)
Then assert status is '200' (0 millis)
And assert response body array contains (0 millis)
"name" : "mrhwfmp",
"description" : "hBvcqpyatdyjccokfvXtbppejlSfnuGgmahAclfjCqmzCmdqydNsiYlICpZnwgqxzVkzrqnoyucZtbgoguc",
"price" : 18
Eventually block succeeded after '463' retries with '1' distinct errors (6001 millis)
Run #1 - Max transitions number per run reached
Check block succeeded (42662 millis)
We can see that we have been interacting with the CRUD
API using randomly generated ProductDraft
and that the eventually consistent contracts seem to hold.
The source for the test and the server are available here.
- all
must have the same types within amodel
definition - the API has a few rough edges, especially regarding type inference for the
definition - the max number of
is hard-coded to 6