
An EffectStep can be understood as the following function ScenarioContext => Future[Either[CornichonError, Session]].

This means that an EffectStep runs a side effect and populates the Session with potential result values or returns an error.

A Session is a Map-like object used to propagate state throughout a scenario. It is used to resolve placeholders and save the result computations for later assertions.

Here is the simplest EffectStep possible:

When I EffectStep(title = "do nothing", action = scenarioContext => Future.successful(Right(scenarioContext.session)))

or using a factory helper when dealing with computations that do not fit the EffectStep type.

When I EffectStep.fromSync(title = "do nothing", action = scenarioContext => scenarioContext.session)
When I EffectStep.fromSyncE(title = "do nothing", action = scenarioContext => Right(scenarioContext.session))
When I EffectStep.fromAsync(title = "do nothing", action = scenarioContext => Future(scenarioContext.session))

Let’s try to save a value into the Session

When I EffectStep.fromSync(title = "estimate PI", action = scenarioContext => scenarioContext.session.add("result", piComputation()))

The test engine is responsible for controlling the execution of the side effect function and to report any error.

If you prefer not using the scala.concurrent.Future as effect, it is possible to use the Effect type from cats-effect.

import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats.EffectStep

val myTaskEffect = EffectStep("identity task", scenarioContext => Task.now(Right(scenarioContext.session)))

EffectStep using the HTTP service

Sometimes you want to perform HTTP calls inside an EffectStep, this is where the httpService comes in handy.

In order to illustrate its usage let’s take the following example, you would like to write a custom step like:

def feature = Feature("Customer endpoint") {

  Scenario("create customer") {

    When I create_customer

    Then assert status.is(201)


Most of the time you will create your own trait containing your custom steps and declare a self-type on CornichonFeature to be able to access the httpService.

It exposes a method requestEffect turning an HttpRequest into an asynchronous effect.

trait MySteps {
  this: CornichonFeature 

  def create_customer = EffectStep(
    title = "create new customer",
    effect = http.requestEffect(
      request = HttpRequest.post("/customer").withPayload("someJson"),
      expectedStatus = Some(201)
      extractor = RootExtractor("customer")

The built-in HTTP steps available on the DSL are actually built on top of the httpService which means that you benefit from all the existing infrastructure to:

  • resolve placeholders in URL, query params, body and headers.
  • automatically populate the session with the results of the call such as response body, status and headers (it is also possible to pass a custom extractor).
  • handle common errors such as timeout and malformed requests.