At the center of property based testing lies the capacity to generate arbitrary values that will be used to verify if a given invariant holds.
A generator
is simply a function that accepts a RandomContext
which is propagated throughout the execution, for instance below is an example generating Strings and Integers.
There are tree concrete instances of generators
which provides additionally theSession
to fail in a controlled fashion
def stringGen(rc: RandomContext): ValueGenerator[String] = ValueGenerator(
name = "an alphanumeric String (20)",
gen = () ⇒ rc.alphanumeric(20))
def integerGen(rc: RandomContext): ValueGenerator[Int] = ValueGenerator(
name = "integer",
gen = () ⇒ rc.nextInt(10000))
This approach also supports embedding Scalacheck's Gen
into a Generator
by propagating the initial seed.
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.rng.Seed
sealed trait Coin
case object Head extends Coin
case object Tail extends Coin
def coinGen(rc: RandomContext): Generator[Coin] = OptionalValueGenerator(
name = "a Coin",
gen = () ⇒ {
val nextSeed = rc.nextLong()
val params = Gen.Parameters.default.withInitialSeed(nextSeed)
val coin = Gen.oneOf[Coin](Head, Tail)
coin(params, Seed(nextSeed))