contains the ListenTo
DSL and infrastructure to build tests relying on mocked endpoints.
Scenario("reply to POST request with 201 and assert on received bodies") {
HttpMock("awesome-server") {
When I post("<awesome-server-url>/heroes/batman").withBody(
"name": "Batman",
"realName": "Bruce Wayne",
"hasSuperpowers": false
When I post("<awesome-server-url>/heroes/superman").withBody(
"name": "Superman",
"realName": "Clark Kent",
"hasSuperpowers": true
Then assert
// HTTP Mock exposes what it received
When I get("<awesome-server-url>/requests-received")
Then assert body.asArray.ignoringEach("headers").is(
"body" : {
"name" : "Batman",
"realName" : "Bruce Wayne",
"hasSuperpowers" : false
"url" : "/heroes/batman",
"method" : "POST",
"parameters" : {}
"body" : {
"name" : "Superman",
"realName" : "Clark Kent",
"hasSuperpowers" : true
"url" : "/heroes/superman",
"method" : "POST",
"parameters" : {}
// Once HTTP Mock closed, the recorded requests are dumped in the session
And assert httpListen("awesome-server").received_calls(2)
And assert httpListen("awesome-server").received_requests.asArray.ignoringEach("headers").is(
"body" : {
"name" : "Batman",
"realName" : "Bruce Wayne",
"hasSuperpowers" : false
"url" : "/heroes/batman",
"method" : "POST",
"parameters" : {}
"body" : {
"name" : "Superman",
"realName" : "Clark Kent",
"hasSuperpowers" : true
"url" : "/heroes/superman",
"method" : "POST",
"parameters" : {}
And assert httpListen("awesome-server").received_requests.path("$[0]").is("Batman")
And assert httpListen("awesome-server").received_requests.path("$[1].body").is(
"name": "Superman",
"realName": "Clark Kent",
"hasSuperpowers": true