Custom HTTP body type
By default, the HTTP DSL expects a String body but in some cases you might want to work at a higher level of abstraction.
In order to use a custom type as body, it is necessary to provide 3 typeclass instances:
used to print the valuesio.circe.Encoder
used to convert the values to JSONcom.github.agourlay.cornichon.resolver.Resolvable
used to provide a custom String representation in which placeholders can be resolved
For instance if you wish to use the JsObject
from play-json
as HTTP request’s body you can define the following instances in your code:
lazy implicit val jsonResolvableForm: Resolvable[JsObject] = new Resolvable[JsObject] {
override def toResolvableForm(s: JsObject) = s.toString()
override def fromResolvableForm(s: String) = Json.parse(s).as[JsObject]
lazy implicit val showJson: Show[JsObject] = new Show[JsObject] {
override def show(f: JsObject): String = f.toString()
lazy implicit val JsonEncoder: Encoder[JsObject] = new Encoder[JsObject] {
override def apply(a: JsObject): Json = parse(a.toString()).getOrElse(cJson.Null)
SBT integration
It is recommended to use the nice CLI from SBT to trigger tests:
tilde to re-run a command on change.testOnly *CornichonExamplesSpec
to run only the feature CornichonExamplesSpec.testOnly *CornichonExamplesSpec -- "Cornichon feature example should CRUD Feature demo"
to run only the scenarioCRUD Feature demo
from the featureCornichon feature example
The full name of a scenario is feature-name should scenario-name
See SBT doc for more information.
The steps
execution logs will only be shown if:
- the scenario fails
- the scenario succeeded and contains at least one
such asAnd I show_last_status
Running tests without a build tool
When integrating cornichon features in a build pipeline, it can be interesting to package those features into a runnable forms to avoid the cost of recompilation.
The library ships a main runner that can be used to run the tests without build tool.
It can be found as com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.MainRunner
Once your project is packaged as a jar file, calling the main runner with --help
shows the following info:
Usage: cornichon-test-framework --packageToScan <string> [--featureParallelism <integer>] [--seed <integer>] [--scenarioNameFilter <string>]
Run your cornichon features without SBT.
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--packageToScan <string>
Package containing the feature files.
--reportsOutputDir <string>
Output directory for junit.xml files (default to current).
--featureParallelism <integer>
Number of feature running in parallel (default=1).
--seed <integer>
Seed to use for starting random processes.
--scenarioNameFilter <string>
Filter scenario to run by name.
Packaging features in a Docker container
You can find below an example of Docker packaging done using sbt-native-packager
You can place these settings in a docker.sbt
in the root of your project.
This should hopefully inspire you to set up your own solution or contribute to improve this one.
import NativePackagerHelper._
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, DockerPlugin)
testFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.CornichonFramework"),
mainClass in Compile := Some("com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.MainRunner"),
scriptClasspath ++= {
fromClasspath((managedClasspath in Test).value, ".", _ => true).map(_._2) :+
(sbt.Keys.`package` in Test).value.getName
mappings in Universal ++= {
val testJar = (sbt.Keys.`package` in Test).value
fromClasspath((managedClasspath in Test).value, "lib", _ => true) :+
(testJar -> s"lib/${testJar.getName}")
dockerCmd := Seq(
After you created the docker.sbt
, just run sbt docker:publishLocal
in order to create a docker image locally.